Title of Notice



 Public Notice - Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council  7/9/2024   City Council
Public Notice- Cancellation of Civil Service Commission Meeting 7/8/2024    Civil Service   Commission
Public Notice - Notice of Public Hearing and SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS)  7/3/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Notice of Public Hearing Revised Determination of Nonsignfcance (DNS)  7/3/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - CANCELLATION City Council Meeting  7/09/2024  City Council 
Public Notice - Public Hearing & SEPA Determination Of Nonsignficance (DNS) 7/24/2024   Planning Commission
Public Notice - Special Meeting Planning Commission  7/24/2024   Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Special Meeting Planning Commission 7/10/2024  Planning Commission  
Public Notice - Cancellation of Planning Commission Meeting 7/3/2024  Planning Commission  
Special Meeting- Civil Service Commission 6/27/2024  Civil Service Commission  
Notice of Application - Mountain View Marketplace  7/1/2024 Planning Department  
 Public Notice - Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council -AWC Conference 6/18/2024  City Council  
 Public Notice - CANCELLATION - City Council Workshop  6/18/2024 City Council 
Public Notice - Civil Service Commission Meeting Cancelled June 10, 2024 6/10/2024  Civil Service  Commission  
Public Notice - Planning Commission Meeting Cancelled June 5, 2024 6/5/2024   Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Special Planning Commission Meeting May 15, 2024  5/15/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Planning Commission Meeting Cancelled May 1, 2024  5/1/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council - Community Summit 4/30/2024 City Council
Public Notice - Special Planning Commission Meeting Notice 4/17/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - City Council Wastewater Treatment Facility Tour  5/21/2024 City Council 
Public Notice - Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council - URA Meeting  4/12/2024 City Council 
Public Notice -  Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council -  Attending an Event 5/09/2024  City Council 
Public Notice - Notice of Land Use Application - SEPA Exempt - Kre-8-Tive Kidz Daycare 4/1/2024   Public Services Department 
Public Notice - Notice of Land Use Decision - 410 Auto  4/1/2024  Public Services Department 
CANCELLATION - City Council Wastewater Treatment Facility Tour  3/19/2024 City Council 
Public Notice - Accepting Applications For Mayor  3/18/2024  City Council 
Public Notice - Meeting Canceled   3/7/2024  Civil Service Commission
Public Notice - Land Use Decision - Warm Short Plat 3/16/2024  Public Services Department 
Public Notice - Land Use Decision Hlivni 3/16/2024  Public Services Department 
Public Notice - City Council Annual Planning Retreat   3/1/2024 City Council 
Public Notice - City Council Special Meeting  3/1/2024 City Council 
Public Notice - Land Use Application 3/2/2024  Public Services Department 
Public Notice - Special Meeting 2/21/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Meeting Canceled 2/07/2024  Planning Commission 
  Public Notice - Possible Quorum of Bonney Lake City Council Attending Event 1/30/2024  City Council
Public Notice - Land Use Application - SEPA EXEMPT 1/12/2024  Planning Commission 
Public Notice - Public Hearing Cherny  1/25/2024 Public Services Department 
Public Notice - Meeting Cancelled 1/09/2024  Public Safety Committee 
Public Notice - Meeting Cancelled  1/08/2024  Civil Service Commission 

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