Park Impact Fees

Park impact fees are calculated based upon the number of residential units.  The current fee is $4201.00 per residential unit.  

School Impact Fees

Prior to building permit issuance for new single family construction and new multifamily construction, the applicant shall provide a copy of the receipt for school impact fees.

Sumner Bonney Lake:

The current Sumner Bonney Lake School District Impact fee $1,945.00 per unit for multifamily.

The current Sumner Bonney Lake School District Impact fee $3,770 per single family residence.

White River School District:

The current White River School District Impact fee $2,000.00 per unit for multifamily.

The current White River School District Impact fee $3,770 per unit for single family residence.

Sewer System Development Charge Fee

The current sewer system development charge is $11,606.00 per single family residence.

For commercial projects, the Sewer Development Charges will be calculated by using the Schedule “A” the Non-Residential Sewer Equivalents Table.

 Sewer Schedule A

The SDC for multifamily residential buildings with more than two units shall be as follows:

  1. Eighty percent of the SDC applicable to one residential equivalent (RE) per dwelling unit for three or more bed/bonus room units;
  2. Seventy percent of the SDC applicable to one residential equivalent (RE) per dwelling unit for two bed/bonus room units;
  3. Sixty percent of the SDC applicable to one residential equivalent (RE) per dwelling unit for one bed/bonus room unit;
  4. Fifty percent of the SDC applicable to one residential equivalent (RE) per dwelling unit for studio/efficiency units.

The current sewer system development charge is $11,606.00 per single family residence.

  • A 3 bedroom unit has a Sewer SDC fee of $9,285.00 per unit
  • A 2 bedroom unit has a Sewer SDC fee of $8,124.00 per unit
  • A 1 bedroom unit has a Sewer SDC fee of $6,964.00 per unit
  • A studio unit has a Sewer SDC fee of $5,803.00 per unit
Storm System Development Charge Fee
The fee for storm system development charge is currently $508.00 per ESU. One ESU is deemed to be equal to 2,600 square feet of impervious surface area. Storm system development charges are payable at the time of building permitting.  
Traffic/Transportation Impact Fee
See the 2019 Schedule of Transportation Impact Fee Schedule or current fee schedule at the time of application. 


The current Traffic Impact Fee is $3,995.00 per single family residence.
Water System Development Charge Fee

Water Meter Set Fees

Current fee for meter set for a 1” is $398.00.

The meter set for a 1-1/2”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 6” is calculated on actual time, materials plus indirect costs.

Each new connection to the water system shall pay as part of their connection charges their equitable share of the cost of the system according to the following schedule.



The current Water System Development Charge for a single family residence is $9,095.00.


The commercial building water system development charge (SDC) is calculated on the size of the meter necessary for the building.

  1. The Water SDC for a 5/8” meter is $11,565.00
  2. The Water SDC for a ¾” meter is $15,297.00
  3. The Water SDC for a 1” meter is $22,751.00

For meters larger than a 1” meter the SDC will be determined on each individual case based on the projected amount of usage and peaking expected from the customer. These charges shall reflect residential equivalence (RE) values used for individual residential customers.


In multifamily developments each unit shall be charge 77% of the current system development charge (SDC) for water meters up to 2 inches. For larger than 2 inches the SDC shall be determined on each individual case, based on the projected amount of usage and peaking expected from the customer. These charges shall reflect residential equivalence (RE) values used in individual residential customers. There shall be only one water meter installed for each building housing multiple residential units. The current fee is $7,003.00 per unit.


An Irrigation Meter shall be required for this project. The current fees are:

  • The irrigation SDC fee for a 5/8” meter is $7,454.00
  • The irrigation SDC fee for a 3/4” meter is $11,187.00
  • The irrigation SDC fee for a 1” meter is $18,652.00

General Water Requirements

For meters larger than a 1” meter the SDC will be determined on each individual case based on the projected amount of usage and peaking expected from the customer. These charges shall reflect residential equivalence (RE) values used for individual residential customers.

The owner of the premises to which the water service is attached shall be responsible for the payment of all connections, shutoffs, turn on, service charges and liens. Monthly availability fees begin as soon as the water meter is installed.

Property owners are responsible for all leaks or damage due to leaks from privately installed and owned water lines. The property owner shall install and maintain at his own expense all water service from the water meter to the place of use.


Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8:30am - 5:00pm

Economic Development Supervisor


Justice & Municipal Center
9002 Main ST E, STE 300
Bonney Lake, WA 98391

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Permit Center
P.O. Box 7380
Bonney Lake, WA 98391

Phone: 253-447-4356

: 253-862-1116