
Annexation means expanding the municipal boundaries to bring in an adjacent unincorporated area. Annexation is necessary to receive urban services such as sewage disposal and rapid-response police protection. 

According to the Growth Management Act (GMA), urban development should be encouraged where adequate public facilities already exist, or where they can be efficiently provided. The first step is to affiliate the area as a Potential Annexation Area (PAA) for the City of Bonney Lake. The decision to establish a PAA is made by Pierce County as an amendment to the County's Comprehensive Plan. Once an area has been designated as a PAA for the City, the area can then be annexed.  Pierce County supports Bonney Lake's efforts to annex its PAAs. 

For questions related to Annexations please contact the Planning and Building Division using the contact information to the left.

Potential Annexation Area Study
The City conducted a study of potential annexation areas in 2009. The next annexation study is currently underway, the City anticipates publication in 2020.  The study will determine the viable of annexing the City's potential annexation areas.  To view the 2009 study please contact Planning & Building staff using the contact information to the left. 
Potential Annexation Areas
Potential Annexation Areas, or PAA, is an area, where urban growth is already occurring or is encouraged due to being favorably situated to accommodate population growth. In PAAs, land development is supported with sewers and similar public facilities. PAAs must be large enough to amply accommodate the 20-year growth projection. PAAs should have a close social, economic, and geographic relationship to the city in question. Being located within a PAA does not guarantee annexation, but it is a prerequisite. A city may only annex lands within its PAA.
Bonney Lake's Potential Annexation Areas
The Bonney Lake 2035 Future Land Use Map shows the City's PAAs lying just outside the city limits. The Future Land Use Map may also show PAAs which the City proposes but which Pierce County has not yet approved. Bonney Lake's approved and proposed PAAs would help square off the city boundaries.
Expansion of Urban Growth Areas
The landowner, the City, or the County can propose a UGA expansion. For a UGA to be associated with the City as a PAA, the City must agree by designating the area as such in the Comprehensive Plan. However, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.110, only Pierce County can officially expand the UGA. UGA expansion is a difficult, time-consuming process involving both jurisdictions.
Public services such as police, fire protection, sewer, and water must be available to the proposed UGA. UGA expansion should result in logical, orderly boundaries, so each local government and special purpose district (fire districts, water districts, etc.) can efficiently provide the service without gaps or overlaps. Most importantly, the expansion must be necessary to accommodate anticipated growth. Pierce County's various UGAs already have excess capacity, so the County is discouraging UGA expansions.
Urban Growth Areas and Development
The City has very little control over development outside the City, such as Tehelah. The City has quite a bit of control over development inside its PAAs, such as over certain subdivisions that are proposed near Church Lake Road and Kelly Lake Road. The City has full control over development inside its city limits. To further complicate matters, some areas are inside Bonney Lake's sewer service area or water service area but outside the UGA. In these areas, the City has limited control.

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only

Planning & Building Division


Public Services Center
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Planning Department
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

Phone: 253-447-4356

Inspection Line:  253-447-4357

Fax: 253-862-1116