Planning and Building

The Planning and Building Division is usually the first stop for citizens, developers, real estate agents, architects, surveyors, engineers, attorneys, and private sector planners and environmental science professionals who wish to know more about how to develop a piece of property within the City. The Division also assists in developing, coordinating, and implementing the long range plan for the City required by the Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW), the VISION 2050 established by the Puget Sound Regional Council, and the Countywide Planning Policies for Pierce County established by the Pierce County Regional Council


Department Organizational Chart


Building Services

The Building Group within the Planning and Building Division is responsible for overseeing building construction within the City of Bonney Lake. The Building Group reviews building plans for compliance with applicable local and national codes adopted in Chapter 15.04 of the Bonney Lake Municipal Code and completes inspections during construction for compliance with the approved plans. The submittal of building permits is handled by the City’s Permit Center.

Current Development Projects
Find out about current projects underway in Bonney Lake, including City and private construction projects and developments.
GIS Mapping
View and download a variety of maps for city facilities, projects, and services.
Land Use Services/Zoning
The Current Planning Group within the Planning and Building Division is responsible for overseeing the land use entitlement process for development within the City. The Current Planning Group reviews a number of planning permits including, but not limited to: tree clearing, divisions of lands, design review, and environmental reviews for compliance with applicable local regulations adopted in in the City’s Development Code (Titles 14– 19 of the Bonney Lake Municipal Code).
For more information about zoning designations and interim zoning regulations please visit the Zoning Information webpage. 
From time to time the City has issued determinations regarding how these regulations will be applied, which are available at the following link: Administrative Determinations. 
The Group also completes inspections during construction for compliance with the approved plans. A list of planning permit can be found on the web page for the City’s Permit Center, who also handles the submittal of these permits.
Long Range Planning Services
The Long Range Planning Group within the Planning and Building Division is responsible for drafting and implementing regulations related to land use which includes Annexations, the Comprehensive Plan entitled “Bonney Lake 2035”, SEPA, the Shoreline Master Program, Critical Areas, and Zoning. The Division is also responsible for providing research and analysis within these areas to the City Administration and City Council.

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only

Planning & Building Division


Public Services Center
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Planning & Building Division
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

Phone: 253-447-4356

Inspection Line:  253-447-4357

Fax: 253-862-1116