General Information

Zoning is the method by which governments designate the allowed uses for particular areas. To find out the zoning of a specific property, please view the Zoning Map, or contact the Planning and Building Division using the contact information to the left and include the property address and/or parcel number.

The City also maintains a Future Land Use Map as part of the Comprehensive Plan. The current Future Land Use Map is also available to download from our Maps page.

Rezone Application

To request a change in the zoning of your property submit the Application for Rezone form, available on the Permit Center page. A rezone application may also require a comprehensive plan amendment.

Interim Zoning Regulations

The City of Bonney Lake has adopted interim zoning regulations through Ordinance No. 1656.  This ordinance, which became effective upon adoption July 20, 2021, imposes interim regulations to be effective for a period of up to six months.  The changes to the City's development regulations are in response to Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1220 signed by Governor Inslee on May 12, 2021 and effective on July 25, 2021 which mandates that a city shall not prohibit transitional housing or permanent supportive housing in any zones in which residential dwelling units or hotels are allowed.  

Zoning Designations

R-1 Low Density Residential
BLMC Chapter 18.14
This district is intended to protect single-family residential neighborhoods from incompatible land uses and create new compatible housing at a density of four to five units per net acre.
R-2 Medium-Density Residential
BLMC Capter 18.16
The purpose of this district is to establish and preserve medium-density residential neighborhoods at a density of five to nine units per acre, to create a stable environment for family life and to prevent intrusion by incompatible land uses.
R-3 High-Density Residential
BLMC Chapter 18.18
This zone is intended to provide appropriately located areas for multifamily living at densities above 10 units per acre to meet the needs of households with a variety of income levels and lifestyles. They are further intended to protect the public health, safety and general welfare by assuring access to arterial or collector roads and transit, and the provision of adequate utility services, public facilities and amenities necessary to assure the comfort and enhance the lifestyles of their occupants.
RC-5 Residential/Conservation District
BLMC 18.20
The purpose of the residential/conservation zone is to protect lands with environmental critical areas, agricultural uses.  This designation is intended to ensure that development  occurs at a maximum residential density of one unit per five acres.  
C-1 - Neighborhood Commercial District
BLMC Chapter 18.24
The general intent of this zone is to provide certain commercial and service uses which are compatible with neighborhoods and principally oriented to serve adjacent residential areas and neighborhoods. A C-1 district is intentionally limited in area. The number of businesses in any one C-1 area shall be generally limited to one of each type.
C-2 Commercial District
BLMC Chapter 18.26
The intent of this zone is to provide appropriately located areas for office uses, retail stores and service establishments offering commodities and services required by residents of the city and its surrounding market area.
DC - Downtown Core District
BLMC Chapter 18.36
The intent of this zone is to implement the commercial and retail core portion of the downtown plan which forms a part of the community character element of the comprehensive plan. Uses within this area should enhance the pedestrian scale of the downtown core and allow for a compact walking environment in which shopping, dining, and recreational opportunities are easily accessible.
Downtown Design Standards
DM - Downtown Mixed Use District
BLMC Chapter 18.37
The intent of this zone is to implement the mixed use portion of the downtown plan which forms a part of the community character element of the comprehensive plan. The intended land uses are a mix of high-density dwelling units, offices, cultural activities, and retail sales and services, with protections against retail sales and services becoming dominant. Mixing of uses on the same site is encouraged. This zone is also intended to provide a degree of buffering between downtown and the surrounding single-family residential neighborhoods.
Downtown Design Standards
E - Eastown District
BLMC Chapter 18.29
The intent of this zone is to provide appropriately located areas for uses which shall be located along major thoroughfares (SR 410) and dominated by auto-oriented uses. The C-2/C-3 combined district is intended to provide appropriately located areas for various land intensive and/or limited service commercial establishments, office uses, major retail stores and service establishments offering commodities and services required by residents of the city and its surrounding market area, wholesale distribution facilities, research and light industrial enterprises which are complementary to neighboring commercial and residential districts. Typical uses in this classification are the combination of major retail establishments and storage, distribution and assembly of products from previously prepared materials, including business and light industrial parks which do not generate excessive noise, odors, dust, smoke, heavy traffic congestion or pollution of water or air.
MC - Midtown Core District
BLMC Chapter 18.27
The intent of this zone is to provide appropriately located areas for office uses, retail stores and service establishments offering commodities and services required by residents of the city and its surrounding market area in the Midtown Subarea.
PF - Public Facility District
BLMC Chapter 18.34
The general intent of this zone is to provide for nonresidential uses of a public and quasi-public nature to be located in or near residential zones and to establish standards which will minimize the impact of the uses on nearby properties. This zone may be applied to existing public and quasi-public facilities and sites purchased or identified for future public facilities.

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only

Planning & Building Division


Public Services Center
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Planning & Building Division
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

Phone: 253-447-4356

Inspection Line:  253-447-4357

Fax: 253-862-1116