The City of Bonney Lake is developing a Parks, Trails, Recreation and Open Space (PTRO) Plan that meets the needs of the Bonney Lake community. The PTRO Plan will drive the City’s long-range and near-term park planning, including directing decision-making and resources toward a clearly defined vision for developing and redeveloping parks, facilities, open spaces, public art, and our recreation system over the next 20 years . The plan will develop a cost-effective parks and recreation system that provides a balance of passive and active recreational facilities and trails.

The PTRO Plan will be included in the 2024 Periodic Update to the City's Comprehensive Plan.

Key Milestones

  • Winter 2022/2023: Review existing conditions and baseline analyses
  • Spring and Summer 2023: Gather community input (Visit us at the Tunes at Tapps and Bonney Lake Days)
  • Fall 2023: PTRO Plan development
  • Winter 2023: City Council Preliminary Review
  • Summer 2024: Visit us at Tunes at Tapps to see the Draft Concepts! 
  • July 3, 2024: SEPA Determination Issued
  • July 24, 2024: Public Hearing with Planning Commission (to view packet material, visit the Planning Commission page)
  • August 13, 2024: Potential Decision by City Council (to view packet material, visit the Council Meeting page)
  • Winter 2024: Final Comprehensive Plan

Updated Draft Plan Available!

The Draft Parks, Trails, Recreation and Open Spaces Plan is now available. Below is a link to the document.  
Draft Parks, Trails, Recreation, and Open Spaces Plan


Please send questions to the Planning & Building Department at [email protected]

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only

Planning & Building Division


Public Services Center
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Planning & Building Division
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

Phone: 253-447-4356

Inspection Line:  253-447-4357

Fax: 253-862-1116