Records Projects Brag Page!

This page is a fun way for staff to see how all the Departments are doing on their records management and see other records projects that are going on in the city. Thank you all for everything you do and for all the hard work that you are doing!

Office Space Records Clean Up:

  • Gary was the first to go thru all his files in his office!
    • He boxed up 8 boxes of records that were past retention.
    • Now his office is cleaner and has room for all the COVID supplies that he has been getting for the City.

                    Gary's Office Pics

Paper Records in Storage Clean Up:

  • The Public Works Crew (and John Woodcock) all worked hard and were the first to go thru all their records boxes that were in storage!
    • They reviewed, collaborated and separated current active records and those past retention.
    • They went thru 134 boxes!!!!
    • They are now caught up on the OLD paper records from storage!
  • The Recreation Department were a huge help this summer with digitizing some essential records.
    • They scanned 39 boxes of essential records!
    • All the water/sewer meter cards were scanned for permanent retention.
    • 53 city property files were scanned.

Network Records Clean Up:

  • Planning & Building and Engineering were the first to go thru all their electronic files and move all the files that had been disposed of from the 2018-2020 RRIC forms to a folder for disposition per the Washington State Retention Schedule!
    • This was a huge project.
    • Planning was able to move 3,500 files, 586 folders, and 1,477.8 MB from the network.
    • Engineering was able to move 4,311 files, 125 folders, and 4,565.6 MB from the network.
    • Both Divisions did a great job!
  • Gary was the first to go thru his network folders
    • He reviewed each file and determined the current active records and those past retention. 


Records Projects That Are Being Done Currently:

  • The Police Department has started their records project.
    • They are going thru all the records that are in a storage room.
    • They asked for help on how to get started and the City Clerk’s Office met and collaborated with them.
    • Came up with a plan, a spreadsheet to help organize what the records were, retention, questions that need to be answered, and then what to do with the records.
    • This will be a big project and when done will make things more efficient and up to date.


Record Organization Clean Up:

  • Jessica has collaborated with several departments and has cleaned up the agreements, contracts, and bonds log.
    • 1,020 agreements have been disposed of per the Washington State Retention Schedule.
    • 260 bonds have been disposed of per the Washington State Retention Schedule.
    • 9 City Property files have been reviewed, organized, logged and saved on the network.
    • 24 boxes of essential records have been reviewed, organized, converted to TIFF, and saved in for permanent retention.