
The City of Bonney Lake's Streets Division is committed to providing residents, businesses, and visitors with safe transportation infrastructure. Currently, the City maintains approximately 171 paved lane miles of roadway, 64 miles of sidewalk, 7 traffic signals, 1,700 signs and many miles of striping that go with it. Primary duties include various types of road repair including pothole filling, crack sealing, sweeping, roadway patching and channelization repair. Seasonal duties include leaf pickup and snow and ice control. The City is also responsible for maintenance activities on State Route 410 within city limits (from the Ascent Park on the west side of the City to 234th Ave E on the east side of the City).

To follow up to date Snowplow activity please click here


Report A Street Light Out
If you notice a malfunctioning street light, obtain the pole numbers from the pole and call 1-888-225-5773 or, report online at Report a street light problem

Most streetlights maintained by Puget Sound Energy have a photocell located at the top of the fixture and have a 12 digit grid number (black and yellow numbering on metal tags) or Intolight tag (Intolight logo on metal tag) on the pole at approximately eye level. You will need these numbers to report a street light outage. In addition, a description of the problem and a street address are helpful.

The City of Bonney Lake is proud to have an Adopt-A-Street Program. The program is a partnership between volunteers and the City of Bonney Lake to create a better living environment by reducing street-side litter and improving the general appearance throughout the City.

To see more information on this program please go to our Adopt-A-Street webpage.

Street Surface Maintenance

Pothole Repair

Potholes occur when street pavement cracks and breaks because of water or traffic. Water can get under the pavement through cracks in the road. Over time, the water can cause the material under the pavement to erode, causing the pavement to sink down and break. During the winter, the water under the pavement can freeze and expand, and then thaw and contract. This freeze/thaw cycle can cause the pavement to crack so that it deteriorates quickly under the weight of traffic, and then streets can seem to break out in potholes overnight. Traffic that is too heavy for the pavement’s design can result in cracks. Large volumes of traffic or heavy trucks and buses using a street not designed for this load can cause the pavement to crack and break apart.

When you see a pothole, please let us know!

Crack Sealing

Sealing cracks in pavement (crack sealing) has proven to be one of the lowest cost pavement preservation treatments available. Approximately 75% of cracks in asphalt pavement form into potholes within 3 years if they are not sealed. Cracks are inevitable and are going to develop as the asphalt pavement continues to oxidize and deteriorate. However, crack sealing has been proven in studies to slow the rate of cracking. In one study, after 2 years of observation, 75% less cracking was observed in a pavement that was crack sealed in comparison to a pavement that received no treatment at all.

Crack sealing as a pretreatment improves the effectiveness of other surface treatments in asphalt pavements. For example, when crack sealing is completed as a pre-treatment to a chip seal, less cracking occurred in the road in comparison to a chip seal only treatment.

Bonney Lake crews crack seal roads prior to chip sealing them in order to ensure we get the best service life from the chip sealed roadway.

The Chip Seal Process

Chip sealing is one of the most cost effective ways to extend the service life of a road. Treating a road with chip seal is like painting or reroofing a home before serious deterioration has occurred. Chip sealing will effectively "waterproof" the road and prevent or minimize the damaging effects caused by rain and sun.

If needed, City Street Maintenance crews will prepare a street for chip seal by repairing potholes, sealing cracks, and/or pre-leveling the road surface by applying a layer of hot asphalt. You may notice black tar lines and asphalt patching on the prepared streets, this indicates that City crews have been repairing cracks and potholes to seal and protect the street from further water damage.

A chip seal consists of applying an emulsified liquid asphalt to the surface, covering the liquid asphalt with chip rock and rolling it in with a pneumatic roller. The following day the contractor will come back and sweep the excess chip rock from the surface. Within the following week, the contractor will come back and apply a fog seal to the chipped surface to seal the rock down. Once the fog seal is applied the contractor will have to keep traffic off of the street until the material solidifies. This will stop the rock from being displaced by the friction of vehicle tires. A short time later, the street will be re-striped and all should be back to normal.

Reporting Street Surface Problems

Please contact the Street Division to report an issue with the City streets by calling: 253-447-4319 or 253-841-5431.

Maintenance Of Traffic Signs

The City of Bonney Lake contributes to the public's safety. We install, repair and replace traffic signs, poles and street markings on the City of Bonney Lake's public roads.

Traffic signs are generally divided into four classifications:

  • Regulatory (for example: Stop, Yield, No Parking and One Way signs)
  • Warning (for example: Curve and Pedestrian Crossing signs)
  • Guide (for example: Scenic Route signs)
  • Destination (for example: street name signs)

In addition to the maintenance of traffic signage, The City of Bonney Lake contracts annually with striping and pavement marking contractors to refresh the channelization markings throughout the City.

Why Traffic Signs are Important

The U.S. Department of Transportation is the agency that sets all rules regulating the use of traffic signs throughout the United States. Years of statistics have been put to use in devising the traffic signs the City of Bonney Lake uses today.

Traffic signs are an important part of any roadway and provide critical information to drivers. Traffic signs are a safety precaution as well as an informational resource. Keeping traffic signs well maintained and easily viewable is an important task that benefits everyone.

  • Safety is the main reason traffic signs are posted along the roadways. Signs ensure that each driver is aware of the rules and hazards of the road. Without signs such as "Stop and Yield" many more accidents would occur.
  • Efficiency is another important factor in road signs. Signs ensure cars move at the correct speed and in the correct direction to keep traffic flowing uniformly.
  • Warnings Road signs give drivers warning of potential hazards they may encounter on the road. Signs prepare the motorist for what they will encounter around each corner.
  • Direction Destinations are easily found using the traffic signs that are posted for motorists as they travel the roadways. Even with the latest GPS technology, without signs pointing out locations and directions, people would be constantly lost and emergency services (Police, Fire and Medical) would have a difficult time reaching their destinations.

Reporting Traffic Sign Problems

Please contact the Street Division to report a problem by calling: 253-447-4319 or 253-841-5431 after hours or on weekends.

Weed Abatement

Roadside Mowing

The City will typically begin mowing right-of-ways and intersections in early spring. Crews pick up the litter in advance of the mowing to avoid creating a larger litter problem. Mowing operations will take approximately 20-25 working days, without interruption and weather permitting to complete. Public Works uses 2 flail mowers to cut wooded plants such as Alder trees, Scotch Broom or large clumps of blackberries. Crews start the season on the roadsides of SR 410 and then move to the arterial and collector streets. Local access streets are mowed on an as needed basis, typically mowing intersections and along undeveloped property where the growth is encroaching the roadway.

This program is required for following reasons:

  1. Avoid the creation of vehicle and pedestrian traffic hazards from vegetation that is blocking traffic signs or encroaching on roadways and sidewalks.
  2. Retaining proper site distance at street intersections.
  3. Maintain the quality appearance of the City.


Roadside spraying will typically start late spring/early summer (weather permitting). Weeds and other vegetation are chemically controlled along the shoulders of City streets to keep them clear so that stormwater runoff can get to the appropriate storm water infrastructure for disposal. Spraying is accomplished following strict application procedures by trained and certified Public Works crew members. Each year, the city receives a 'List of Pesticide-Sensitive Individuals' from the Department of Agriculture, this list provides the street addresses of people who are pesticide sensitive. In these cases the vegetation is controlled mechanically.

This program is required for the following reasons:

  1. To avoid the spread of Tansy Ragwort and other noxious weeds as shown on the Department of Agriculture's Noxious Weed list. This is also a requirement from Department of Transportation along SR410.
  2. To avoid much more expensive maintenance efforts by City crews to cut down grass and bushes when they become too large or too high for chemical treatment to be effective. Failure to keep weeds from growing could result in fire hazards.
  3. Maintain the quality appearance of the City.

If you would like to opt out of the City's maintenance schedule of spraying and mowing and maintain the right of way, please fill out Owner Will Maintain Agreement and return the completed form to the Public Works Department.

Street Sweeping Program

Who is in charge of the Street Sweeping Program?

The City of Bonney Lake Stormwater Division

Why is street sweeping so important?

The City of Bonney Lake's street sweeping program keeps the City streets clean. Street sweeping removes sediment and associated contaminants from the street's surfaces before they enter the stormwater collection system and local waterways.

Can I leave my yard waste in the street?

No. It is the responsibility of residents to keep their neighborhood streets free of excessive yard waste and other debris. Leaving yard waste and other debris in the street can clog the stormwater system during heavy rains, cause flooding problems and possibly damage homes in your neighborhood. If you see a clogged catch basin, please use a rake to clear the problem or call 253-447-4319 to report flooding. If there is flooding, please avoid stepping into the puddle. Sweep debris from your sidewalk and driveway. Put debris in a trash can. Remember, sweeping debris into the street is against City code.

What is the street sweeping schedule?

Click here to see the schedule.

Right Of Way Encroachments
It is the policy of the City that no encroachment shall be permitted or allowed to exist on, over, or under City property or Right of Way without an Encroachment Permit being issued by the City.

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
9:00 - 4:00
By Appointment Only

Street Division

Public Services Center
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321

City of Bonney Lake
Attn: Public Works
21719 96th ST E
Buckley, WA 98321


After Hours Emergency Phone: 253-287-4455
