Arts Commission Agendas
The Arts
Commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at
the Bonney Lake Justice & Municipal Center. All meetings are open to the
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does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization.
This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law
to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if
the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
City Council Agendas
City Council Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month and City Council Workshops are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Agendas for the following week are done and posted on Fridays. You will receive an email weekly with the current agenda.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
Civil Service Commission Agendas
The Civil Service Commission meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. (as needed) at the Bonney Lake Justice & Municipal Center. All meetings are open to the public.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
Comprehensive Plan Update 2049
Sign up to receives updates on ~ Envision Bonney Lake: Celebrating 100 Years ~
The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) enacted in 1990, provides a framework for state, regional, county, and local planning coordination, requiring cities and counties to develop a plan to help manage growth over a 20-year planning period. This plan is referred to commonly as a Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan guides citywide policies on topics that affect our daily lives including housing, transportation, economic development, the natural environment, land use, and parks.
The City of Bonney Lake is updating the Comprehensive Plan to reflect how the residents of the community want the City to grow in 25 years, which will coincide with the City’s centennial in 2049. As the City updates the Comprehensive Plan, the City wants to know and understand what the community identifies as shared values and goals and create policies that benef
myBonneylake Guide
myBonneyLake is your guide for recreation and city news. If you live in Bonney Lake, drink Bonney Lake water, or live within the recreation program area, you will receive the latest myBonneyLake in the mail each quarter.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
Planning Commission Agendas
The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Bonney Lake Justice & Municipal Center. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings are conducted according to by-laws adopted by the Commission.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
Planning Notifications
The City of Bonney Lake post land use decision notices and other planning news. You will receive these as they are posted.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.
Public Notices & Press Releases
The City of Bonney Lake post public notices and press releases on a variety of city news. You will receive these as they are posted.
DISCLAIMER: The City of Bonney Lake does not sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. This information is considered a public record. The city may be required by law to provide customer information, including email addresses, to third parties if the information is requested under Washington State public disclosure law.